
Pumpkin Soup – a great lunch or snack for Kids with GERD


Make it without onion or garlic, just chop up 1/2 small pumpkin (squash), add two carrots and cover with low-salt chicken stock. Cover and cook until pumpkin and carrots are soft. Use a blender stick to blend together, serve in a bowl with low-fat cheese* toasties on the side.

* as tolerated


Kids with GERD, about this blog

This blog is being developed for families of kids suffering from GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) – it will contain ideas, tips, links to articles, recipes and info about kids ( aged from 3 to 12 years old) who suffer from GERD. All the websites I have found on the subject are geared towards either babies or adults, there is virtually nothing for kids aged between 3 – 12 years of age – so it’s my hope that this blog will help fill this gap and help other parents living with a child with GERD… so if you have any ideas, tips or recipes to share – please let me know!